GOT Ministries connected with Gladys and her family this spring at 10 months old. She is an adorable little girl with Down syndrome and a lot of potential. Unfortunately her mom received misinformation about her' capability, including Gladys would never talk, walk, or eat. Understandably, Gladys' mom became very discouraged. Fortunately another organization in Santa Maria de Jesus connected the family and GOT Ministries, and we had the privilege of telling this family about Gladys' capacity and the full life she can live! Today Gladys is sitting up on her own!! GOT Ministries encouraged the family regarding how Gladys not only would be able to talk, but just like any kid maybe more than they would like at times : ) Gladys can learn to walk and live a life of amazing potential. Mom and Gladys learned how to play together through therapy visits, and mom cried watching her child play. Gladys continues to develop and her momma walks this journey with her with hope and encouragement. It is truly a privilege to empower and serve these kiddos and their families! We are so grateful when we see the hope in the eyes of the families we serve! Thank you so much to all of our supporters!!
YOU make this work possible and YOU make a difference in the lives of the children and families in Guatemala!! Please join us in empowering and serving children with disabilities in Guatemala by becoming a therapy sponsor today!!
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December 2019